I began this endeavor for many reasons. Perhaps first and foremost as a result of what feels like a country tumbling toward conflict, as well as a deep concern about losing our freedoms, perhaps even our democracy. I know I am not alone. I am hopeful that this small step of creating a blog, a conversation with our neighbors, where we can sort through what we have faced together as a nation in the past and what we hope to face together as a nation in the future, will help us achieve a greater understanding of one another. Let us have discussions about our government, its powers and our rights as citizens. Let us move toward a better understanding of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I chose James Madison as my blog name because as one of our founding fathers, what he brought to the table when writing the constitution was a vision of enlightenment, expertise in international law and a belief that we as a young nation could improve upon other republican experiments. I have a core belief that as Americans, we have much more in common than not. After all, our country was created of the people, by the people and for the people as President Lincoln so eloquently said, and that means US! I hope to delve into many interesting topics and find some agreement as well as some dissenting opinions that we can discuss with civility and respect for one another. Let us learn together to accept each other and let us have some lively discussions as we do so.
Maybe We the People, just ordinary citizens, have a chance to create something extraordinary. Let us strive to preserve and protect this tenuous, and still young democratic experiment that we call the United States of America.
With honor and humility,Madison