We the People is intended to be a means for all of us to start a conversation about who we are and where we are going as citizens of the United States of America. It is hoped that through these conversations with you, our neighbors, we will gain invaluable insight into what makes us all tick. We want to talk about why we love this country and why we stand up for the values that define our souls. We want to learn about our rich history as a young democracy and how that democracy has grown into the most influential country in the world. We want to learn all this through the eyes of the average citizen, rather than from the views of highly educated, thoroughly researched, and heavily nuanced educators and historians. We want to discuss current events as reported to us by all platforms - whether they be professional news organizations or social media outlets - in an effort to recognize truth and toss out fiction so that we can all, each of us, accurately assess their impact on our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren. The approach is simple. Through periodic postings by the founders of We the People – Hamilton and Madison – we will initiate a topic of conversation that we hope each of you will help us better understand through your thoughtful comments. We want to know what you know. We want to feel what you feel. We want to embrace your views as a compliment to our own. We want to able to stand together as an amalgamation of We the People of the United States: “in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”. The rules are also simple. Civility, kindness, understanding, humility, empathy, and thoughtfulness are key concepts to hold near as you compose your responses. This platform will not tolerate anything less. Comments that violate these rules will be eliminated. So, please, one and all join the discussion. We want to get to know our neighbors. We want to get to know you. And with our newfound knowledge about you – our neighbors – we want to live together as one nation indivisible, with with liberty and justice for all.